Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

In this chance I would like to present my presentation. And the topic is about Unsung Heroes.
Friends, do you know what picture is it?? Do you know?? This is the picture of Adipura’s trophy. This trophy will be given from the ministry of Environment to the cleanest city in Indonesia. As we know, our beloved city, Palembang, has won this trophy twice. But, as a citizen of Palembang, what contibutions that you have given to keep Palembang clean?? Have you thrown your rubbish on the garbage? Have you separated your rubbish into organic rubbish or anorganic rubbish?? So, it means that you have given contributions to keep our city clean, alhough it’s only a small thing.
But, there are some people who have a big contribution to keep our city clean. They are some people who has gotten up in the morning while you are still sleeping to sweep the road. Sadly, they are heroes but still forgotten or like what we call Unsung Heroes. Do you know who are they?? Continue reading